20/1: Business for Peace

Date and time: 20 Jan, 15:00 - 16:30

Minerals from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are essential for advancing digitalisation and the green transition – areas where Swedish companies lead the way. However, their extraction and trade, crucial for batteries and advanced technology, are often linked to serious human rights violations, such as sexual violence and forced labour. This highlights the importance [...]

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October 29, 2024, English, Events, Calendar

Culture for Change

Date and time: 13 Nov, 17:30 - 18:45

In an increasingly polarized and conflict-ridden world, bridging divides, promoting human rights, and sustaining democratic values ​​is crucial. The EU is based on the respect for fundamental values ​​such as freedom, democracy and equality. Here culture can play a vital role in supporting and upholding these values ​​central to all members of the international community also […]

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October 29, 2024, English, Events, FUF news, Calendar

Instagram Live: Breaking Barriers, Building Futures

Date and time: 20 Sep, 11:00 - 11:30

The world has agreed that by 2030, all forms of poverty shall have been eradicated and hunger shall have ended, and food security be a reality. To achieve this, around 712 million people living in extreme poverty and the 828 million people who go hungry every year must be given pathways to a better future. […]

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September 17, 2024, English, Events, FUF news, Calendar

New Europe – choosing a path for the future

Date and time: 19 Sep, 12:00 - 13:30

What happens now? What do the election results and the composition of the new commission mean for the EU's work with peace and security, not least in relation to Ukraine/Russia and Israel/Gaza? How will the EU tackle the climate challenges in the coming term? When can Ukraine become a member of the EU? FUF and the Swedish European Movement invite you to the lunch seminar New Europe - path choice for the future on 19 September at 12:00 – 13:30 at FUF's office.

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September 3

Last day to register for FUF's non-profit groups HT2024

Do you want to dive deep into various global sustainability issues, learn to write sharp texts or become a pro on social media? Then you can get involved in FUF's non-profit groups during the autumn semester! Our editorial team consists of: ✏️ Writers 📱 Social media creators 🌏 FUF correspondents (who live abroad) In addition to writing texts and producing social media posts, the task is […]

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July 5

Last day to nominate for the 2024 FUF award

🧩 What do peacemaker Hannah Tsadik, climate scientist Johan Rockström, drone queen Helena Samsioe and human rights fighter Thomas Hammarberg have in common? Well, they have all been awarded the FUF award! 🏅 Do you know someone who ranks in this group by having made particularly good efforts to promote global sustainable development? You can nominate it for the 2024 FUF award! The price can […]

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July 4

CV workshop

Date and time: 24 Sep, 11:30 - 13:00

To registration » Do you want to learn how you can adapt your CV for different types of jobs? Do you want to increase your chances of landing your dream job by having a professionally designed CV? Take the chance to improve your CV and give yourself a head start on the job market! FUF and Academic Union SSR invite FUF members to […]

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June 10, 2024, Events, Calendar, Career, The Internship Program, Educational activity