It is not time to back down with aid

The state budget

Of: Frida Hjärtman

Recently, the financing of development assistance has been a current theme in both Sweden and the world. On 13 April, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published statistics showing that Sweden takes the lead in the development assistance phase with 1,14% of GNI for 2020. Thus, Sweden is the largest donor in the world in percentage terms. At the same time, the one percent target is being debated at home by, among others, SD and the Moderates, who want to reduce development assistance. Own domestic problems are weighed against the global goals and the fact that Sweden is one of the world's most well-developed countries, in the question of whether it is reasonable for Sweden to be the world's most generous donor.

May 4, 2021, Chronicle

Indian farmers continue to protest against agricultural reforms

Since the autumn of 2020, Indian farmers have been protesting against new agricultural reforms. Photo: Ananth BS, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Of: Josefine Hörkeby

Indian farmers have been protesting against agricultural reforms since last autumn and are demanding that they be stopped. They believe that their livelihoods are deteriorating. The Indian government believes that it is a necessary modernization of the agricultural system.

May 4, 2021, Analysis

Week 17: New wave of covid-19 in India, Swedish geopolitics and authoritarian regimes

Photo: Firos nv, Unsplash

Of: Erica Frank and Sofia Karlsson

This week, the debate has mainly focused on global health, focusing on India's new wave of covid-19, so-called vaccine nationalism, and how the Indian government has handled the crisis. It has also been written about Erdogan's influence on Swedish history writing and about Swedish handling of authoritarian regimes.

May 4, 2021, Current debate

Are sporting events more important than human rights?

Qatar's rejection of human rights ahead of the World Cup is outrageous. Photo: Omar Chatriwala, Flickr

Of: Louise Marklund

This year's World Cup qualifiers have aroused great debate both nationally and internationally. Qatar, the host country for the World Cup 2022, is considered to be violating human rights. Once again, the debate over inadequate selection of host countries for sports championships is being revived.

May 3, 2021, Analysis

The debt crisis after the pandemic

Photo: John McArthur, Unsplash

Of: Rine Mansouri

The corona pandemic has hit everyone hard, but now another type of crisis is expected to hit low- and middle-income countries, a debt crisis of enormous proportions as a result of the pandemic's effects and strain on their already fragile welfare systems. One potential solution, according to the International Monetary Fund, is so-called Special Drawing Rights.

May 3, 2021, Report

The double standard in Swedish arms exports

Continued arms exports to the war in Yemen. Photo: Felton Davis, Flickr, CC BY 2.0

Of: Hanna Kristiansen

In the government's foreign policy debate at the end of February, the focus was on Sweden's involvement through humanitarian aid in the serious conflict in Yemen. At the same time, the export of Swedish munitions to the warring parties continues, which contributes to human rights violations. Sweden's arms exports are in sharp contrast to the development policy adopted by the Riksdag, says Magnus Walan, senior policy adviser at Diakonia

May 3, 2021, Report

Rural Development: The key to tackling local hunger and poverty?

The lack of knowledge to respect nature and discrimination against minorities have created great hunger and poverty challenges. Photo: Samuel Vigier, Flickr

Of: Claire Coviaux and Maria Malmsten

Rural development is the process of life quality improvement and economic growth of rural populations in developing countries. It reduces local poverty and hunger by addressing many multi-sectoral needs including education, health, agriculture, and natural resources. The concept first appeared in the 1992 UN Agenda 21 - Chapter 14. Its major influence in the international […]

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May 3, 2021, Publishing, English, Shops

A Successful Story of Regional Revitalization in Taiwan

Many people see rural areas as non-economical; however, the Taiwanese government has declared 2019 as Taiwan's Regional Revitalization Year to make a change. Photo: Pixabay

Of: Yi-Chia Chen

Regional revitalization is a concept originated from Japan in 2012. Since Taiwan is facing similar problems as Japan, the Taiwanese government also decides to adopt this concept to attract people to move to rural areas. Instead of focusing on redevelopment, revitalization comes to play an important role.

May 3, 2021, English, Long read, Shops

The EU moves towards sustainable trade

The proposal of the European Parliament is aimed at reducing environmental destruction and to increase human rights protection in the supply chain. Photo: Rainforest Rescue 2014 / Flickr

Of: Aarne Hakomäki and Stephanie Scharmann

On 27 January 2021, the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament (EP) adopted a draft for a European supply chain law. The draft proposes strict regulations of the environmental standards and human rights within the value chains of companies.

May 3, 2021, English, Shops, News article

Global agribusiness continues to displace rural communities

Global agribusiness continues to grow with harmful consequences for smallholder farmers and rural communities. Photo: Zonc_Photos / Pixabay.

Of: True Honkaniemi

Land grabs facilitated by multinational corporations, foreign investors and local governments in a pursuit of agribusiness have been escalating during the last decade. Huge acquisitions of farmland have led to violent displacements of rural populations. Although reports of the practice are not as recurrent in the media, the problem is far from over.

May 3, 2021, English, Shops, News article