Ten years of fighting poverty can be lost

Children in Uganda carry water by bicycle

The corona pandemic could put half a billion people in poverty, according to a report from Oxfam.

Of: Elin Williams

Half a billion people could end up in poverty due to the economic effects of the coronavirus. This is shown by Oxfam's report Dignity Not Destitution, which was released two weeks ago. For many of us, time stands still right now and life has been paused. For others, not least healthcare professionals, the pace has picked up. In some places, the time can now be […]

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April 22, 2020, Guest chronicle

Panic can cost more than the pandemic

Person wears protective clothing and toilet paper

When panic strikes a society, it is rational for the individual to protect his loved ones. But it can prove to be counterproductive, the debaters write.

Of: Anna of Owl Glass, Johan Stellansson and Olof Sandkull

When the media reports deaths as a sports result, it is easy to lose your temper and panic. But perhaps panic is more dangerous than the pandemic itself. The measures to stop the infection will lead to increased hunger, water shortages and more violence around the world, write three debaters.

April 20, 2020, Debate

Debaters call for Swedish leadership in humanitarian aid

Uganda Red Cross

Countries without access to clean water, soap and medicines now need support more than ever before, several debaters write. Photo: Anna Dubuis / DFID

Of: Rebecka Rönnegård

The Corona pandemic makes it more important than ever that Sweden acts as a humanitarian superpower. That was the message on several opinion pages a week. At the same time, a debater pointed out that we must not forget other news, such as that Saab continues to sell weapons to the Yemeni war.

April 16, 2020, Current debate

Progress on the rights of indigenous women may be lost in Bolivia

Bolivia's indigenous women have gained a much better position in society during Evo Morale's time in power, writes Emil Wenlöf. Photo: Soman (CC BY-SA) and private

Of: Emil Wenlöf

The situation of women in Bolivia has improved markedly over the last thirteen years. Discriminatory laws have been changed and, for the first time in history, indigenous women have taken seats in parliament and in many other public posts. But since November, the country has had a controversial interim president who changes politics and makes racist statements against the country's indigenous peoples. The concern is great among many of the country's indigenous peoples and women.

April 15, 2020, Guest chronicle

Chilean women find it more difficult to mobilize in the corona crisis

Feminist demonstration in Chile

Before the corona crisis, lots of women were out demonstrating for gender equality in Chile. Photo: Carlos Punto Pizarro

Of: Julia Spaton Goppers

One month ago, more than a million Chilean women gathered on the streets of the capital, Santiago. They demonstrated against sexual violence and for economic reforms in the country. But now the coronavirus has increased domestic violence - and the mobilization for gender equality has become more difficult.

April 9, 2020, News

Sweden should recognize Western Sahara

It occupied Western Sahara

Large parts of Western Sahara are occupied by Morocco. Jan Strömdahl thinks that Sweden should recognize Western Sahara as a country. Photo: YoTuT (CC BY 2.0) and private

Of: Jan Strömdahl

Despite the fact that Western Sahara is occupied in a similar way to Palestine, few in Sweden are aware of the situation there. Sweden should now recognize Western Sahara as a country, strengthen aid and boycott products from the occupied territory. It writes Jan Strömdahl from the Swedish Western Sahara Committee.

April 8, 2020, Debate

Men in focus when violence against women is to be combated

In some countries, up to 70 percent of women are exposed to physical and / or sexual violence from an intimate partner at some point. Photo: Unsplash

Of: Nora Grari

One in three women in the world is ever exposed to gender-based violence, according to statistics from the World Bank. Due to isolation during the corona pandemic, there are many indications that men's violence against women is now increasing. According to the organization Make Equal, we must focus on the perpetrators in order for the violence to decrease.

April 7, 2020, Report

If Mozambique can, then Sweden can

Floods after Cyclone Idai in Mozambique

In connection with the cyclone Idai in Mozambique a year ago, people fled to the roofs of houses. Photo: DFID (CC BY 2.0)

Of: Isabella Overödder

One year ago, Mozambique, one of the poorest countries in the world, was hit by double cyclones. The cyclones have been described as the worst climate-related disasters ever to hit the southern hemisphere. They caused floods, destroyed homes and infrastructure. Floods in the north combined with droughts in the south put millions of people on the run to seek refuge […]

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April 6, 2020, Chronicle

The corona crisis could devastate the economies of low- and middle-income countries

Many people's finances are directly affected by curfews and restrictions in connection with the corona pandemic. In the long run, the economies of entire countries can have major problems. Photo: Pixabay

Of: Hugo De Geer Wikner

The corona pandemic is affecting economies around the world. So far, there has been a lot of talk about the rich countries, but how will it affect the economies of more vulnerable countries? Will the corona pandemic even increase extreme poverty in the world? Hugo De Geer Wikner writes about a survey made by Sida's chief economist team.

April 2, 2020, Analysis

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