John Hassler's climate investigation arouses mixed reactions among debaters. Several of them believe, for example, that it is necessary to have national climate targets, alongside the EU's. Photo: Elima Mwinyipembe/Government Office.
Of: Edwin Borg
John Hassler's climate investigation has created shared opinions of svenska discussion and leader pages. Some see it as a possible positive change within climate change, at the same time as the discussion about Sweden's climate goals vis-à-vis the EU's guidelines intensifies - should Sweden have its own climate goals or ska The EU steers the way forward?
October 30, 2023, Current debate
The Israel-Hamas conflict continues to be debated in the Swedish press. Photo: Wafa. Source: Wikimedia commons.
Of: Agnes Durbeej-Hjalt
The conflict between Israel and Hamas has continued to dominate the Swedish debate and editorial pages during the past week, and the debate is becoming increasingly polarized. Several debaters sound the alarm about an impending genocide of Palestinians, while others point to growing anti-Semitism.
October 23, 2023, Current debate
Bombings are taking place in several places in both Israel and Palestine in the conflicts between Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas. The escalated conflict has been discussed among several Swedish debaters and editorial writers during the past week. Photo: Wafa. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Of: Ellinor Berglund
Den latest of the time The development of violence in Israel and Palestine has probably not gone unnoticed. Israel has declared war on the terrorist organization Hamas and thousands of civilian lives have been claimed on both sides. On Swedish debate- and leader pager have debates above all shopped om Sweden's aid to Palestine and om Sweden should dra back his seat recognition of Palestine or not.
October 16, 2023, Current debate
Among others, Alice Bah Kunke (right in picture), environmentalist and EU parliamentarian, has criticized the government's climate policy in the past week. On the left in the picture: Sweden's Minister of Climate and Environment, Romina Pourmokhtari (L). Photo: Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU/Fredrik Hjerling. Source: Flickr/ Flickr.
Of: Benjamin Frisk and Mona Adam Abdi
Criticism of the Swedish government's climate work continues. Debaters believe that the government, together with The EU's other right-wing parties, attacks climate policy and slows down the necessary transition.
October 9, 2023, Current debate
Researchers are critical of the government's cuts in research aid, and during the past week, Sweden's minister of aid and foreign trade, Johan Forssell (M), responded to the criticism. "The prioritization takes place in the light of a greatly deteriorated external situation," he writes. Photo: Ninni Andersson/Governingskansliet.
Of: Elin Prestgaard and Ina Carlsson
The Swedish government has recently presented the city budget for 2024. Aid is facing major changes with an increased focus on Ukraine and trade, while including the support for researchsbistand is decreasing – which has provoked reactions from academia.
October 2, 2023, Current debate
During the past week, several debaters have criticized the government's budget and its impact on the climate. Photo: Ninni Andersson/Governingskansliet.
Of: Edvin Borg and Ida Bøje
During the past week, Sweden's government has presented its budget bill - which arouses both concern and anger in the environmental and climate debate. Several debaters believe that the government's reduced petrol tax and reduced climate measures will be a dangerous course change that threatens the fulfillment of the climate goals.
September 25, 2023, Current debate
It has been a year since Mahsa Jina Amini was murdered by the moral police in Iran. The murder was the starting point for furious protests against the mullahs' regime. On the anniversary of the murder, several Swedish debaters question whether Sweden and the EU have really put enough pressure on Iran. Pictured: A demonstration in Melbourne, Australia, in solidarity with the women of Iran a week after the assassination in 2022. Photo: Mark Hkrac. Source: Flickr.
Of: Agnes Durbeej-Hjalt
Last week was the anniversary of the murder mahsa Name Believe in Iran. At the same time, the Swedish EU official Johan Floderus has been imprisoned for over 500 days. Several debaters are now demanding that Sweden and the EU pursue a stricter policy towards Iran.
September 18, 2023, Current debate
Jimmie Åkesson (SD) wants to evaluate Sweden's EU membership, which has provoked reactions among debaters on Swedish opinion pages during the past week. Photo: bobsled/Per Pettersson. Source: Flickr.
Of: Cecilia Bergh and Ellinor Berglund
On Tuesday, Aftonbladet published a debate article in which Jimmie Åkesson (SD) writes that there are great reasons to evaluate Sweden's membership in the EU. Since then, this topic has come to dominate debate and editorial pages in several of the media.
May 8, 2023, Current debate
At the beginning of April, Russia took over the presidency of the UN Security Council, which has been debated during the week. Picture shows Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, holding the chairman's baton. Photo: UN Geneva. Source: Flickr/Pxlfuel.
Of: Agnes Durbeej-Hjalt and Nora Nattorp
Russia recently took over the presidency of the UN Security Council, and the country continues to seek new ways back into the international political arena, which has been debated on Swedish debate and editorial pages during the past week. Even 11-year-olds Murhaf Hamid's sale of Majblommor has been discussed in connection with Sweden's migration policy.
May 2, 2023, Current debate
Several debaters demand that Sweden immediately introduce a ban on international surrogate arrangements. Photo: Tumisu. Source: Pixabay.
Of: Ellen Norman
About 30 debaters wants to ban international surrogacy arrangements. They believe that Swedish citizens take advantage of vulnerable women in poor countries. Russia's invasion of Ukraine has also been discussed during the past week - and Aftonbladet's editorial writer mean to the West should do more to support Ukraine.
April 24, 2023, Current debate