The EU has a unique role to play in contributing to lasting peace in Israel and Palestine, writes a number of former ministers.
Of: Ravneet Singh
How the EU pursues its policy in the Middle East can be crucial to the possibility of achieving peace between Israel and Palestine. It writes a long line of former foreign ministers and heads of government in a debate article. At the same time, attention is being paid to the EU's new rules on food imports.
April 17, 2019, Current debate
The spring budget presented by Minister of Finance Magdalena Andersson created outrage in the development aid world.
Of: Mona Monasar
The government's decision to take SEK 700 million from the development assistance budget provoked outrage among many organizations this week. At the same time, the debate about the children of IS terrorists in Syria continued. Who is responsible for the children? asked several debaters.
April 12, 2019, Current debate
Do we have the future in our hands and can influence?
Of: Moa Zeidlitz
The development looks bleak on many fronts. Climate crisis, polarization and discrimination are some of the negatively charged words that face us almost daily. How do we respond to this development? What is the way forward and is there hope? Or is it simply that no one wants the future?
April 3, 2019, Current debate
"Climate change in practice means water change," write debaters in connection with World Water Day, which was March 22.
Of: Erica Fahlström
During the past week, the environment and climate have been a popular topic of debate, together with, among other things, World Water Day and that Swedish trade can promote human rights. Some debaters have highlighted in particular how climate change unfairly affects already vulnerable groups the most, but also how global inequality affects solutions and current climate policy.
March 27, 2019, Current debate
Young people gather for climate strike in Melbourne. Photo: Julian Meehan
Of: Susanne Bartholdsson
During the past week, debate and leadership sites have discussed Swedish security policy, Sweden's and the UN's human rights work and the Swedish international relationship with China. What is the next step in climate work after a global school strike? And how should Sweden develop its diplomatic relationship with China?
March 20, 2019, Current debate
International Women's Day March In Los Angeles 2017. Photo: Molly Adams
Of: Ravneet Singh
No one can have missed the International Women's Day on March 8, which is as relevant today as when it was introduced in 1977. This, together with the pursuit of a more democratic world, where people work with human rights, emerged in this week's debate.
March 13, 2019, Current debate
Donald J. Trump and Kim Jong Un meet for a dinner in Hanoi for their second summit (February 2019). Photo: Shealah
Of: Moa Zeidlitz
The Hanoi summit is canceled prematurely at the same time as India and Pakistan launch a sharp attack on each other. This means that the clouds of unrest are accumulating over the global pursuit of peace. Sweden and the EU are responding to this with both outstretched hands and armed defense.
March 6, 2019, Current debate
Swedish citizenship has been discussed this week after the fall of the IS regime. Photo Trausti Evans Flickr
Of: Susanne Bartholdsson
How should Sweden's decision - makers act towards arrested and returning Swedes who traveled to Iraq and Syria to join the IS caliphate? Deprivation of citizenship, Sweden's responsibility and security has been intensively discussed this week.
February 27, 2019, Current debate
Is the EU the right arena to influence global issues? Photo: European Parliament
Of: Erica Fahlström
A recurring theme in last week's debate has been the forthcoming EU elections. Among other things, it has included a discussion about the EU as a means for Sweden to influence the international arena - in issues such as democracy, human rights and climate.
February 20, 2019, Current debate
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani during press conference 2013. Photo: Meghdad Madadi
Of: Mona Monasar
Several debaters this week raised the question of how Sweden should act against dictatorships. For example, it has been 40 years since the Iranian theocratic regime came to power, which was noticed on SVT Opinion. The debater believes that Sweden and the EU should pursue a tougher line against dictatorships and stop giving in just to avoid conflict.
February 13, 2019, Current debate