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Agenda 2030 - What do we do in Sweden?

Agenda 2030 does not only concern low- and middle-income countries. Sweden has also promised that we will achieve the global goals for sustainable development also at home. With only 10 years left until the goals are reached, FUF now wants to shed light on what Sweden is doing here at home. Therefore, we welcome you to a digital breakfast seminar, directly from your own sofa, where FUF talks to Gabriel Wikstrom, National Coordinator for Agenda 2030.

The Swedish government has long said that Sweden should be a world leader in the work on Agenda 2030, both in Sweden and globally. As part of this, in February they appointed Gabriel Wikström as national coordinator for Agenda 2030 and the implementation of the global goals in Sweden. But what does Agenda 2030 mean for Sweden and are the global goals relevant in a Swedish context? How far from goal fulfillment is Sweden really, and what should Gabriel Wikström do to speed up the implementation of Agenda 2030 here at home? These, and many more questions, we will discuss at a breakfast seminar on May 15 at 09.00 p.m. Follow from your own sofa and ask your questions about how Sweden works with Agenda 2030 here at home.

The call takes place via the Zoom platform, a link to the meeting comes with registration. Be sure to click on the link in good time before the meeting. Have you never used Zoom before and need instructions? Email

In recent years, FUF has closely followed Sweden's work to implement Agenda 2030, at home and globally. In a series of conversations, officials within the Government Offices, authorities and the Agenda 2030 delegation have been asked about who should actually do what, when and how. With only 10 years left to reach the global goals, FUF Agenda2030 pays extra attention throughout 2020. The conversation will be held in Swedish and will be available at FUF's YouTube channel after the conversation. 

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