After the Russian cyber attacks: Moldova's future cyber protectors are being trained here

Dimitru Ciorba works at Moldova's Technical University, which trains students in digital security – something the country is increasingly in need of after several Russian cyberattacks. Photo: Daniel Díaz.

Of: Daniel Diaz

Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Moldova has been subjected to several cyber attacks. To build the country's defenses against cyber attacks, students are being trained in information security at the Technical University of Moldova – an education that is needed more than ever. 

December 22, 2023, FUF-correspondents, Report

The OECD's proposal for a global tax to reduce inequality is met with criticism

Global minimum tax of 15 percent and that companies must pay tax to a greater extent where their goods are consumed. It is proposed by the OECD to equalize economic inequality in the world. But several steps remain before the proposal can become a reality. Photo: OECD. Source: Flickr.

Of: Elin Prestgaard

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has developed suggestions new, global tax rules with the aim of reducing tax planning and equalizing global gaps in the world. The proposal has been criticized both for being too far-reaching and a paper product that will not have sufficient effect. In October the government submitted a bill to the Riksdag on the proposal, which is proposed to be implemented in Swedish law the material moisture meter shows you the January 1, 2024.  

December 22, 2023, Development magazine explains

Eight months of conflict in Sudan: "An unimaginable humanitarian crisis"

In April, fighting broke out between the Sudanese Army (SAF) and the paramilitary group Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Sudan. The conflict has had enormous humanitarian consequences, including driving 6,9 million people from their homes. Photo: United Nations photo. Source: Flickr.

Of: Mona Adam Abdi

In conjunction with fighting in Sudan, an acute humanitarian disaster has developed in the country, where millions of Sudanese are fighting for their survival. Conflicts has led to over 12 deaths and driven 000 million people from their homes. The health care system is on the verge of collapse, and there are acute water and food shortages in the country. But despite the urgent situation, international support has not met the needs.  

December 22, 2023, Report

Unique knowledge of what is happening in Vietnam - the country that was the Ukraine of the 60s

Jan Bjerninger, freelance writer and former head of Sida's Asia department, reviews the two books "Vietnam – a subjective view" and "Vietnam. Navigating a Rapidly Changing Economy, Society, and Political Order". He believes that they provide a unique knowledge of Vietnam's development and how the country looks today. Photo: manhhai. Source: Flickr.

Of: Jan Bjerninger

Poverty has been radically reduced in Vietnam, but the lack of open discussion and political pluralism is hampering development in what was once one of the biggest recipients of Swedish aid. Two new books provide a unique knowledge of Vietnam, its present and possible future. It writes Jan Bjerninger, freelance writer and former head of Sida's Asia department. 

December 22, 2023, Review

Panel discussion on violent extremism and terrorism

Date and time: 9 Jan, 17:30 - 19:00

To report » Concern about terrorist threats and extremism has increased among the Swedish population as a result of the increased terrorist threat level in 2023, according to a Novus survey. But what is actually meant by extremism and what are the different aspects of the concept? And what can be done to counter violent extremism? The local group FUF Stockholm Södra invites […]

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December 21, 2023, Events, Calendar, Local group, Educational activity

Austria's dependence on Russia divides public opinion

Austria still has strong economic ties to Russia - about which Austrians and Ukrainians in the country have divided opinions. Pictured: Valeriia Ventskovska at the Universität Wien campus/Parliament of Austria in Vienna. Photo: Agnes Fältman.

Of: Agnes Fältman

Få länder within the EU still has så strong financial relationships to Russia as Österrich. The country's imports of Russian gas and många företag's continued operations in Russia after the war of aggression against Ukraine divides opinion among ömore sterile as well that newänth Ukrainians. Some believe that gas imports partially finance the war in Ukraine, others believes that the humanitära hjälpen ÖAustria gives to the waräruled the land bör stå in focus.  

December 18, 2023, FUF-correspondents, Report