Russia's invasion puts pressure on Sweden's defense of democracy in Ukraine

Maidan Square where the 2014 riots launched Ukraine's quiet revolution. The silence refers to the engine of democracy that decentralization has been in Ukraine. Photo: Juan Antonio Segal. Source: Wikimedia commons.

Of: Andreas Klawitter

The decentralization reform which has ongoing in Ukraine since 2014 has been described as one of the main reasons for the country's valiant resistance in the war against Russia - which was not included on the spreadsheets of analysts around the world. Sweden has a decisive importance for the continued survival of the reform.

July 28, 2022, Almedalen - article, Report

This is how journalists work against disinformation in war-torn Ukraine

Disinformation is part of warfare in many conflicts. For example, as part of Russian propaganda earlier this year, a fake video was circulated on the Internet depicting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky calling on Ukrainian soldiers to lay down their arms and surrender. Photo: President of Ukraine. Source: Flickr.


Journalists' mission in times of war is not only to provide the population with information, but also to ensure that false information is not spread further. Journalists in Ukraine therefore have established methods for dealing with disinformation. Professional journalists report from the most war-affected areas of the country - and so far 32 journalists have lost their lives since the war broke out in February.  

July 27, 2022, Almedalen - article, Report

Sustainable consumption and production – a major challenge for Sweden

Unsustainable consumption is one of the main causes of climate change - and that we thereby risk the stability of the planet, say Johan Rockström, professor of environmental science, and several other environmental scientists. Photo: dmncwndrlch/Pixabay, Twitter.

Of: Fanny Tegman Lindholm

Sweden's material footprint is increasing and sustainable consumption and production patterns are one of our biggest challenges. During In Almedal week 2022, there was a consensus among researchers about the negative impact of overconsumption on the climate. Strongly reduced carbon dioxide emissions and more circular flows of goods and services are examples of more sustainable consumption patterns, but the road there is complicated.

July 26, 2022, Almedalen - article, Report

Long-term aid can prevent hunger for girls and women in the Horn of Africa

Millions of people have suffered from hunger this year alone due to the increases in food prices in the world. Photo: Oxfam East Africa. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Of: Sandra Duru

21 million people in East Africa have been affected so far this year of hunger due to global food price increases, according to Hanna Nelson, policy manager at Oxfam Sweden. Regulating speculation on food prices and long-term aid can mitigate the consequences of food insecurity in the future – especially for girls and women who are hit hardest. 

July 25, 2022, Almedalen - article, Report

The organizations about development aid settlements: "The outside world is losing confidence in Sweden"

The umbrella organization CONCORD organized a breakfast mingling during the Almedal week to run the campaign #RäddaBiståndet on the streets of Visby together with various member organizations. Photo: Christina Wassholm, CONCORD Sweden.

Of: Hibo Yusuf Ahmed

Sweden's settlements on aid meant 40 percent cut annual budgets for several civil society organizations and their partner operations. Utvecklingsmagasinet has interviewed five organizations that warn that their partner organizations are losing confidence in Sweden and finding it difficult to maintain their work against, among other things, child marriage and female genital mutilation.

July 21, 2022, Almedalen - article, Report

One year after the Taliban took power: "Do not forget Afghanistan"

Women and girls are particularly vulnerable to repression under the Taliban regime, something Elham Kohistani, an activist, and Najiba Sanjar, a crisis coordinator and consultant, said at a seminar during Almedalen Week. Photo: Julia Lundén Azzeddine.

Of: Julia Lundén Azzeddine

One year after the Taliban took power in Afghanistan, the country is hard hit by poverty, famine, unemployment and dismantled health care. During Almedalen Week, several people discussed the crisis situation in the country. 

July 20, 2022, Almedalen - article, Report

This is how Sweden investigates international war crimes

Sweden cooperates internationally through both the EU and the UN to investigate war crimes. Photo: WiR_Pixs. Source: Canva.

Of: Elin Malmqvist

Russia's war on Ukraine is regularly reported on the news. We are reached by testimonies of awfulness war crimes that describe how Russian soldiers have raped and executed civilians as well as attacked hospitals and residential buildings in Ukraine. And Sweden takes a great international responsibility to conduct investigations into war crimes in the world.  

July 19, 2022, Almedalen - article, Report

Everything about global development from Almedalen Week

Almedalsredaktionen 2022 arrived in Visby on 2 July.

Of: The Chancellery

This year, FUF's non-profit editorial staff was finally in place in Visby again to cover global development issues during Almedalen Week. Among other things, we analyzed the party leadership figures, did video interviews and asked Almedalen visitors about how they view Swedish development assistance and how important they really think foreign policy is when they stand in the polls. After a two-year pandemic break […]

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July 14

Criticism of British refugee management in the shadow of the Ukraine War

More than 28 migrants arrived on the British coastline last year, according to the BBC, but Britain is criticized for its handling of refugees. Photo: IFRC. Source: Flickr.

Of: Maria Jacobsson

While people fleeing the war in Ukraine seek refuge in Britain, refugees continue to cross the English Channel from the French city of Calais to the coast of south-east England. Britain is now facing criticism, both from domestic and French voices - who claim that they take far too little responsibility for the refugee situation in Europe.

July 14, 2022, News

Per Bolund (MP) promised a billion investment for the climate in his Almedal speech

Per Bolund (MP) highlighted, among other things, the climate crisis, NATO and Russia's invasion of Ukraine in his party leadership speech during Almedalen Week. In addition, he mostly focused on climate policy in Sweden. Photo: Julia Lundén Azzeddine.

Of: Julia Lundén Azzeddine, Andreas Klawitter and Elin Malmqvist

In Per Bolund's (MP) party leadership speech during Almedalen Week, he raised, among other things, the climate crisis, the issue of Swedish NATO membership and that Sweden should become independent of Russian gas. In addition, the focus was mostly on climate policy within Sweden's borders - despite the fact that the outside world is a recurring theme in the Green Party's party program.

July 7, 2022, Almedalen - article, News