The government's investment in democracy creates discussion

Democratic space is shrinking at the global level. The government therefore wants to invest in democracy and increase democracy assistance. Photo: Pixabay

Of: Alice Agneus

Sweden's foreign policy must invest extra in safeguarding democracy. That was the message from the new government that came into place in January this year. But what does this mean for Sweden's aid actors? Sida's Birgitta Weibahr and Diakonia's Magnus Walan talk about their views on the matter.

July 12, 2019, News

EU agricultural policy hampers global development

EU agricultural policy contradicts its own poverty reduction assistance targets. Photo: Jed Owen / Unsplash

Of: Elin Haglund

The EU has strong support for its own agriculture and high demands on imported products. This makes it difficult for small-scale farmers around the world to enter the European market. Something that goes against the EU's own aid goals.

July 12, 2019, Report

Sustainable relationships are required in the development work

When working with sustainable development, perseverance in the relationships is required, writes FUF laureate Anna-Karin Gauding.

Of: Anna-Karin Gauding

To succeed in development collaborations, perseverance and sustainable relationships are required. That is one of the conclusions that FUF laureate Anna-Karin Gauding after 35 years of work on sustainable development in Chile. Here she summarizes the laureate lecture she gave in May.

July 11, 2019, Analysis

Gender equality can make the business community contribute to sustainable development

The global goals and sustainable development were popular topics in Almedalen. Many companies had seminars and exhibitions on the theme. Photo: Lovisa Novak / FUF

Of: Lovisa Novak

Focusing on gender equality is an effective way to contribute to global development, but also to create sustainable and successful companies. During this year's Almedalen Week, many seminars were devoted to the role and responsibility of the private sector for sustainable development.

July 11, 2019, Report

SHAME - a sincere talk about injustice

Hundreds of thousands of Swedes are on holiday in dictatorships such as Thailand and Morocco. Our clothes are manufactured under poor working conditions in countries with widespread poverty. The rich are getting richer and the gaps are widening. How do we deal with shame? Can it be transformed into change? In the corner of injustice, OmVärlden's editor-in-chief Ylva Bergman is visited by Zinat Pirzadeh, Ahmed Abdirahman, Hewan Temeshgen and Kent Wisti. Humor and […]

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July 10, 2019, FUF pods

SHAME - a sincere talk about the climate crisis

Children go on school strike for the climate and accuse previous generations of destroying our planet. Fly shame became part of our dictionary 2018. Words like multiple child shame and meat shame are also becoming more common. How do we deal with shame? Can it be transformed into change? In the shame corner of the climate crisis, OmVärlden's editor-in-chief Ylva Bergman is visited by Emil Jensen, Åsa Romson, Anders Wijkman and Kent […]

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July 10, 2019, FUF pods

Everything about global development in Almedalen

FUF's non-profit editorial office on site in Almedalen.

Of: The Chancellery

As usual, FUF was on site with an entire editorial staff in Almedalen. We watched seminars, did video interviews, wrote reports and analyzed party leader numbers. Here you will find everything related to global development in Almedalen.

July 9, 2019, News

Dark image of Sweden in crisis - nothing about Sweden in the world

Sweden must be given priority, the Sweden Democrats' party leader Jimmie Åkesson in his Almedal speech. The picture is from 2017. Photo: News Oresund (CC BY 2.0)

Of: Alice Agneus, Marika Ploman and Sofia Brännstrom

When Jimmie Åkesson talks about external issues, it is about migration. How Sweden should act in the world or in collaboration with other states is not mentioned in his Almedal speech. Sweden must be prioritized and "hold together" - among other things through a tough criminal policy.

July 8, 2019, Analysis

Climate change - change or paralysis?

Can the shame of air travel and meat-eating create positive change? The climate movement Fridays for Future is an example of action. Photo: Hans Christiansson

Of: Louise Christianson

Words like meat comb, fly comb, multi-child comb and SUV shame are becoming more common. Some change their lifestyles to make it easier to live with their climate shame, while others seem to become passive. Can shame create change - or is it rather paralyzing?

July 7, 2019, Report