Nobody wants the future anymore?

Do we have the future in our hands and can influence?

Of: Moa Zeidlitz

The development looks bleak on many fronts. Climate crisis, polarization and discrimination are some of the negatively charged words that face us almost daily. How do we respond to this development? What is the way forward and is there hope? Or is it simply that no one wants the future?

April 3, 2019, Current debate

FUF award seminar with Anna-Karin Gauding

Anna-Karin Gauding, FUF laureate 2018.

Date and time: 15 May, 18:00 - 20:30

"Anna-Karin Gauding is awarded the 2018 FUF Prize for her tireless work for democracy, development and respect for human rights in Latin America, and for being a driving force in creating cooperation and knowledge exchange between people in Sweden and Latin America." - The jury's motivation Now we invite you to an award ceremony, seminar and mingling with the 2018 FUF prize winner Anna-Karin Gauding! […]

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April 2, 2019, Events, Calendar

The Government and Agenda 2030 - with State Secretary Eva Svedling

Date and time: 15 Apr, 18:00 - 19:30

In the latest government reshuffle, responsibility for the implementation of Agenda 2030 in Sweden was transferred to the Ministry of the Environment and Energy. In March, the Agenda 2030 delegation also submitted proposals to the government for further implementation, thereby completing its mandate. So where do we stand today? What does the transfer of responsibility to the Ministry of the Environment and Energy mean? How does the government view the Agenda 2030 delegation's final report? Welcome to a unique opportunity to listen and ask questions to Eva Svedling, State Secretary to the Minister for the Environment and Climate and Deputy Prime Minister Isabella Lövin with responsibility for climate policy issues and issues related to the Government's work with Agenda 2030.

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April 2, 2019, Events, Calendar