The fall of the IS regime leads to questions of citizenship and responsibility

Swedish citizenship has been discussed this week after the fall of the IS regime. Photo Trausti Evans Flickr

Of: Susanne Bartholdsson

How should Sweden's decision - makers act towards arrested and returning Swedes who traveled to Iraq and Syria to join the IS caliphate? Deprivation of citizenship, Sweden's responsibility and security has been intensively discussed this week.

February 27, 2019, Current debate

Can universities take the lead in fighting climate change?

Lund University Library

Lund university library. Photo: Olena Siergieieva (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Of: FUF Lund

Universities are step boards for many young people and could be an important player in the fight against climate change. Scientists and students have created petitions to get the universities to reduce their emissions and lead the change to a sustainable society. In this first Podcast from FUF Lund we meet the students behind Klimatstudenterna in […]

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February 26, 2019, English, FUF pods, Shops

Why is Sweden talking about Venezuela and not Haiti?

Protesters in Haiti

In Haiti, there is both a humanitarian and a political crisis. Here, Haitians demonstrate against the corruption in the oil program subsidized by Venezuela. Photo: Media Room (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Of: Carmen Blanco Valer

In this year's foreign declaration, the Swedish government draws attention to the crisis in Venezuela, but does not mention the even worse humanitarian and political crisis that is taking place across the Caribbean Sea - in Haiti. Is it oil and the US interests in power that decide where in the world Sweden should act? debater Carmen Blanco Valer wonders.

February 26, 2019, Debate

The climate - on the way to a biosphere collapse

Fruit bats flying

Bats in Australia are one of the species that have fallen victim to the extreme heat in recent months. Photo: Shellac, Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

Of: Sadreddin Mahmoudi

Day by day, new reports are released from research institutes on climate change with warnings of devastating consequences if nothing is done. Politicians and world leaders book meeting after meeting to find solutions. The picture given by the state of the climate is negative, with a demand for rapid and effective action by the civilian population, researchers and politicians around the world. But how […]

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February 20, 2019, Chronicle