Demilitarizing gender and development - with Cynthia Enloe

Militarism is not just about defense. Militarization is mainly about ideas, and one of the most common is the idea that the natural protector is a masculine man. In what ways are ideas about gender, security and development militarized? And how is development aid affected? Cynthia Enloe is a globally recognized feminist researcher. She visited FUF on October 25, 2017. 

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October 24, 2017, FUF pods

Ownership and quick results - goal conflicts and future prospects

A challenge in the implementation of development assistance has for a long time been how to, on the one hand, safeguard partners' ownership and, on the other hand, be able to show that Swedish development assistance in particular provides fast and measurable results. Therese Brolin has written the doctoral dissertation "Ownership or Donorship?" and Joakim Molander is head of evaluation at Sida. The seminar was organized by FUF and the Expert Group for Aid Analysis (EBA) and took place on October 24, 2017.

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October 23, 2017, FUF pods

Sweden should take responsibility for the veto issue in the UN Security Council

Of: Magnus lundström and Vendela Runold

The idea of ​​the right of veto in the UN Security Council was to protect the sovereignty of the great powers, but today the veto is often used instead of self-interest and political play. Sweden must work for a change of attitude in the veto issue, write Vendela Runold and Magnus Lundström from the Stop Illegitimate Vetoes campaign.

October 23, 2017, Debate

Sweden's military efforts and civilian aid must be linked

Of: Mikael Eriksson

The fight against militant groups such as Daesh in Iraq is closely intertwined with the conditions of the individual citizens of the country. Despite this, coordination between Sweden's military and civilian support is poor. We must increase the dialogue and stop thinking about the downside in Swedish public administration, writes researcher Mikael Eriksson.

October 19, 2017, Debate

Human rights on the run - consequences of EU migration policy

Since the beginning of 2015, there have been major changes in the EU's migration policy. The EU is moving towards an increasingly inhumane migration and refugee policy, where more and more decisions reflect the EU countries' unwillingness to welcome migrants and grant asylum to people on the run, says Jessica Poh-Janrell at the organization CONCORD Sweden. The seminar took place on October 9, 2017.

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October 10, 2017, FUF pods

Invest in an active culture of peace, in Sweden and in the world

Of: Lotta Sjöström Becker

In next year's budget, Sweden will increase its resources for peacebuilding, but the annual investments are still less than the cost of the war exercise Aurora. Although the government's new strategy for sustainable peace is about preventing and preventing a recurrence of armed conflict, national security policy is based on other ideas. Sweden has everything to gain from trying to build an active culture of peace - it is modern security policy, writes Lotta Sjöström Becker, Secretary General of the Christian Peace Movement.

October 10, 2017, Debate

Aid of the future - with Carin Jämtin

The long-standing image of the world divided into a rich "North" and a poor "South" is getting worse, and the world is facing new and growing challenges that require joint action. What do these changes mean for bilateral aid in the future? Listen to Sida's CEO Carin Jämtin when she gives her view on future development assistance. The seminar took place on October 6, 2017.

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October 5, 2017, FUF pods