Sweden - back up political will with SRHR money!

Of: Anneli Rogeman, Annika Schabbauer, Annika Forests, Birgitta Göranson-Iliste, Bo Forsberg, Cecilia Chatterjee-Martinsen, Erik Lysén, Gabi Björsson, Kristina Henschen, Lisa Sjöblom, Lotta Sjöström Becker, Luis Lineo, Maria Andersson and Marianne Eriksson

President Donald Trump's reintroduction of the Global Gag Rule means that much of America's maternal health assistance is frozen - something that will affect those living in poverty the most. It risks significantly increasing the number of unwanted pregnancies and leading to the deaths of thousands of girls and women around the world. Now Sweden and the outside world must cover for the reduced aid. Therefore, 14 organizations in CONCORD Sweden's gender equality working group call on the government and the Riksdag to add new money to the spring budget.

February 23, 2017, Debate

Time to talk about circular migration

Of: Bernd Parusel

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has developed an international definition of the hitherto vague term "circular migration". The realization that circular migration can have positive effects for everyone involved has been around for a long time, but building practical policies on a fuzzy concept is difficult. Now it is time to rethink the role that circular migration can play in global development, writes migration expert Bernd Parusel.

February 17, 2017, Debate

How change happens - with Duncan Green

What do we really know about what creates societal change? What is required of social movements that want to change the world? Duncan Green works as a strategic advisor at Oxfam in the UK and has written the book How Change Happens in which he tries to answer these questions. He visited FUF on 13 February 2017.

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February 14, 2017, FUF pods

Agenda 2030 - the role of aid

Sweden works both nationally and internationally to achieve the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs is responsible for international work. The development assistance authority Sida has been assigned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the important task of incorporating the Global Goals into Swedish development assistance, but also of working catalytically to include various societal actors in the Agenda 2030 work. To this conversation in our series on Sweden's responsibility for Agenda 2030, we have invited Lennart Båge, Acting CEO of Sida. The seminar took place on February 7, 2017.

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February 8, 2017, FUF pods

Migration focus overshadows poverty reduction in development aid

Of: Andrew Sherriff and Anna Knoll

Short-term political response to the migration crisis in several cases appears to have undermined routines for effective aid, and settlements for refugee costs make up a large proportion of today's aid budgets. This shows a new one investigation report from the Expert Group for Aid Analysis, EBA. In parallel with discussions on how development assistance can be used to more systematically address migration flows, we must conduct a fact-based debate on the type of initiatives that are valuable from a broader development perspective, write the report authors Anna Knoll and Andrew Sherriff.

February 2, 2017, Debate