More knowledge and resources are needed to prevent conflicts

Of: Ulla Andrén

It is a key task for Swedish development assistance to provide support to people on the run, but also to prevent conflict and promote development. This requires both knowledge and resources. Aid funding for building peace should not be reduced due to the fact that asylum reception and humanitarian support require increased resources, writes Sida employee and former ambassador Ulla Andrén.

September 23, 2015, Debate

Europe must act and take responsibility

Europe's largest humanitarian catastrophe since World War II is currently under way in Europe. The wars in Syria have claimed hundreds of thousands of victims, while millions are on the run, exploited and endangered by smugglers. This is an unbelievably great tragedy where many governments should feel responsible, writes Mukhtar Bulaale who is a political scientist and works with unaccompanied refugee children.

September 15, 2015, Debate

Pang-pang journalism stands in the way of real stories - with Martin Schibbye

Crises and disasters need to be monitored, not only when they happen, but also before and after. In this episode of the FUF podcast, you hear the journalist Martin Schibbye who wants to see a more proactive journalism where you dare to report on topics without obvious news value, on low-intensity conflicts and on uncomfortable truths. The seminar took place on September 3, 2015.

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September 3, 2015, FUF pods

More individual responsibility is required for sustainable development

Of: Marcus Hjalmarsson

We can not expect states or technological development to create a sustainable world. The use of resources - whether social, financial or natural - requires individual responsibility. Creating a responsibility through knowledge is crucial for sustainable development, writes Marcus Hjalmarsson at the organization Global Playground Stockholm.

September 1, 2015, Debate