Sweden and the challenges for EU development cooperation

Of: Bertil Odén

Sweden's new government should work to get more Swedes in key positions in the EU Commission and to strengthen the EU's foreign administration's focus on dealing with both the global challenges and the effects that EU policy has on areas other than development cooperation. That is the opinion of Bertil Odén, a writer with long experience of development aid and development issues.

October 8, 2014, Debate

The development agenda of the future requires more than aid

Of: Charlotte Petri Gornitzka

In a year, the world will have new development goals to eradicate extreme poverty. The months ahead will be marked by negotiations and discussions on content and funding. As a natural part of Sweden's work for a new development agenda, Sida will do everything we can to contribute to the goals being well-balanced, focused and feasible. It writes Charlotte Petri Gornitzka, Page

October 1, 2014, Debate